Cowslip Workshops, Lauceston

STITCH RETREATS – Jo Colwill, Cowslip Workshops Newhouse Farm St.Stephens Launceston Cornwall PL15 8JX
Telephone: 01566 772654
Email: [email protected]

Jo can’t think where the last 25 years have gone but my hobby and passion for textiles, traditional quilts, and sewing have developed into an exciting Textile/Craft experience, based on our small traditional organic farm, which I love to share with everyone. As you come down the farm lane I hope that you can escape from the real world, meet new friends, learn or develop a new skill and eat some seriously good local and Organic (where possible) food. Or simply just relax over a Coffee whilst pondering a new project. Cowslip is hopefully a big, friendly family eager to please and welcome customers from all over the world. Whether coming for a Coffee, class, workshop, wedding, family party or just a browse in our extensive shop – we are all here to help and make your visit happy.


From Landscape to Lampshade
16th-17th June 2016

Marna hand embroiders and hand draws landscapes and portraits in her own unique quirky style and transforms them into lampshades and wall art using fabrics ranging from beautiful rare Sanderson to modern Liberty tana lawn. She has worked extensively with national magazines and exhibited across the country. She is presently an embroidery expert writing regularly for Craftsy. She has worked with Liberty of London and  mentors new businesses. This glorious workshop will be two days of hand stitching embroidered illustrations onto 20cm drum lampshades using embroidery stitches and appliqué techniques.